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Ford Swift Voyager 475

From £69,995.00


Engine Capacity:2.0ltr
Wheel Base:4.52m
Seat belts (Inc. Driver):5
Vehicle Width:2.37m
Vehicle Height:2.98m
Vehicle Length:7.54m
MTPLM (A):3,500kg
Mass in Running Order: (B):3,070kg
Maximum User Payload (A-B):430kg

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Motorhome road trips have never been easier, thanks to the reliability and assurance of Ford. Take your Swift Voyager everywhere, from the cobbled streets of town, to the winding hills and valleys of the countryside.

Voyager's powerful engine and skeletal chassis from the Ford Transit, make it the ideal motorhome for those road trip holidays where you need to prepare for the unexpected. And with a handy rear garage available on all models, there's plenty of room for shopping, bikes, suitcases, or whatever holiday bargains you pick up along the way.


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